23 Nisan 2017 Pazar

Deficiencies İn Education - Social Deprivation

As a matter of fact, I intend to have a tespitte on the events we experience every day in the society where each unit lives. I want to start with a few recent examples.
             On March 11, 2011, Japan was shaken by the tsunami disaster that followed the 9-magnitude earthquake and the leak in the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Total disasters of these catastrophes were billions of dollars, environmental disaster that lasted for years, and hundreds of lives were the most important. I want you to visualize the magnitude of the disaster. Now the situation I want to talk about is the days when the catastrophe was alive. I try to refine the squares from an image I watched at that time on TV as soon as I can. The news is as follows; The state established mobile toilets, kitchens and telephone clubs in a town that was disconnected from the outside world due to the disconnection of electricity, water and telephone lines due to the earthquake and the disaster that followed. What is striking for me is the painting; Children who have been unable to hear from their relatives for days and / or who have lost their relatives, have lost their homes, and half-hungry half-naked children are waiting in the lap of the telephone, Head in front of them, quiet and one row.
             My second example is from another photograph. Every year we are familiar with the storm and typhoon news that sweep the ocean shores every year. We follow what every year these disasters lead to such devastation.
A picture and news that I saw in a newspaper over the past year was like this. One of these big storms was approaching quickly to one of the American states that were on the ocean coast. The US government issued an order of urgent evacuation of the city by taking a decision on the state of emergency. With this instruction, people began to evacuate the city with their means. I want you to animate the photo in your eyes. The three-lane highway is the city's most important highway. All three lanes are full, the vehicle is switched off. The people who come down from the vehicles in the place are bouncing. Otherwise, a few public vehicles that are heading towards the city are bumping into the water. And stand tight. There is a shortage of this terrible table we have used to seeing. There is not a single vehicle on the safety belt. I guess people are not scared enough, there are no people waiting for them or relatives they wonder about. None of them are public servants or ego-owners in high authority.
Reading the above examples can not help but think about what could happen if the same table were in our country? Every day, dozens of people in traffic have more urgent jobs than other citizens are using safety lane. Or officials who are on duty for 7 days and 24 hours on behalf of the public. We are trying to tell other citizens that we are people with important and urgent tasks even in the simplest queues and queues.
It is possible to reproduce these examples with only one day in the society we live in. At this point I would like to ask; Living in harmony in society and why there are such differences in different geographies at the point of personal boundaries.
I am confident that scientists have done a lot of research. I think the main problem is education. Relationship between education and sociology. It can raise individuals who have adapted to social life. When we learn that the limit of our freedom is ending at the limit of the freedom of another individual, I think we will have overcome many social problems.
I would like to share with you a recent article about the subject.


Neither christian,
What a jew
Nor is it Muslim.
What prophets,
Nor holy books, but,
With the human values ​​they believe
They taught the whole world.
So to be human is something else.
The following text, circulating extensively on the Internet,
As noted, Prof. Dr. Mikdat
It has been translated into English by the suggestion of Kadıoğlu.
Translated by: Erkan Altinsoy (earthquake adviser)
Image showing no brawling or suffering with extreme movements no. Sadly he was glorified himself.
Discipline in water and food queues. No rude mention or hard hand There is no arm movement. Calmness is commendable.
For example, incredible architects. The buildings were shaken but not collapsed.
People just get what they need at that moment, So that you can get things.
There is no plundering of the shop. Stealing the horn on the road, no fading. Only understanding attitudes.
Inside nuclear reactors for pumping 50 working seawater He stayed. How can they pay for what they do?
She discounted the prices of the restaurants. There is no way to secure an unprotected Nobody attacked. He looked at the strong weak.
Everyone, including the elderly and the children, knew exactly what to do. They did it.
In newsletters, they have bridged themselves perfectly. Stupid There were no reporters / reporters speaking. Made just calmly News Most important of all,

When electricity is cut off at a store, They put it back on their shelves and they come out quietly. Japanese nationals whose countries have suffered a huge disaster There are many lessons the world has to offer.

Is there marble in my marriage?

Today's popular encyclopedia is marriage according to wikipedia; Is defined as 'the two people coming together in a way that will last for a lifetime, in a way that the laws are appropriate for the family to establish, ruhen and bodily.' Again according to the sour dictionary of prank information source; '' Sexy legalization institution '' has been described as. According to the Turkish Language Institution, It means "being married".
Whichever way we go, we can recognize it as the first step in the family establishment, which is considered the building block of the marriage society, as we learned in primary school. The history of your marriage is as old as the history of mankind. Although there are differences in various records, we can say that marriage, the man and the woman who desire to live together coexist this ceremonial sense of association.
Divorce is defined as the end of marriage in general terms. The divorce case lasts until the date of marriage. Just as marriage is an act, in the divorce the quality of this contract is overflowed.
Divorce rates are rapidly increasing with today's rapidly evolving and crust-changing sociological social structure. If we would statistically classify the cause of this increase; Canine caste, crime, adultery, abandonment, mental illness, incompatibility and unknown causes. Parallel to this increase, the fact of divorce brings serious problems in social, legal and economic sense.
Experts state that the main underlying cause is behavior originating from "consumption society". Nowadays, it is observed that the power consumption habits that are satisfied are reflected not only objectively but also in emotions. I think it would not be wrong to say that nowadays we are beginning to give up emotions quickly and give up quickly, emotional and labor-intensive concepts like love, love, family, loyalty are also affected by this consumption.
I wanted to examine the marriage institution in a different way from a different point of view, as social life is being questioned and questioned. Based on the above observations, I received the remnant of this article by going out of the question "can not it be an alternative model of association"?
By the legislator; To develop an alternative model that aims to be a child and does not include concepts such as the parents are not parties, the parents are protected by the law, the parents do not have material obligations, and tradition. It is a model that can create a legal framework in cases where concepts like carrier maternity, like our country, can not be forgotten. Imam marriage can also be considered, considering the religious values ​​of our country. It is an alternative which can be the reason for preference for men and women living with the philosophy of "my life, freedom".
Can it not be considered an idea that needs to be developed by specialist jurists, social experts, religious representatives?

Sources: Wikipedia, tuik, ekşisözlük


For centuries mankind has lived dependent on the earth. He got his crop, he gathered the crop, he lost nice sons for his sake, he defiled his life to this land. The man who came to believe the day came to realize something. He does not dominate the earth. Addiction has now become a mutual co-operation. This cooperation continued until the industrial revolution.
The industrial revolution is a sharp change in many areas of human life. The labor-intensive and land-dependent person began to negotiate with the machines, leaving the struggle and cooperation with the land on one side. It was a detail that Lakin had forgotten and missed from the eye.
Nature wanted human beings back for their dirty work.
The definition of infinite desires and limited resources that form the basis of economics came to light here. Man has always wanted more. As long as man has never existed, he has polluted the world in the past century. The black, which is the natural balance of the universe that we are in, had to pay a price for the fact that it was white and positive because it was negative.
We can think of animals, viruses, outbreaks, pollen, natural disasters, the hand of folks that they use to return to the natural balance of the world.
Allergy, for example, is a substance that is normally harmless, called allergen, or an excessively harmful defense reaction to substances against the body. The increasing number of allergens in the modern world, as well as the weakening of the immune system day by day, allergy cases are increasing. The role that nature plays here is an irrefutable truth.
Another result is infertility. Infertility is defined as the inability to develop despite a certain period of gestation. Although there are no healthy statistics about infertility, it is known that it increases with each passing day. In every area of ​​modern life, fertility is decreasing with radiation, GDO containing and industrial foods, weakening human metabolism. In the 2006 "Children of Men" last hope movie, the chaotic environment that has lived with the last born baby over the past 19 years is described in the world. Even if the film is a conspiracy theory, it gives creepy ideas about what such a future might bring us.
The virus is defined as microscopic particles that can infect live cells. HIV, Route, Influenza and others. Increasing number of treatments is difficult, microorganisms whose origins are sometimes unknown. The fear of modern society is the exit point of many conspiracy theories. Could viruses be a means of revenge in nature?
The sea areas we have filled by trying to change the boundaries, the industrial areas we have stolen from nature, the settlement areas we have opened by destroying the nature, are sometimes taken back by the hands like floods, earthquakes and typhoons.
This list can go on and on. I do not know how this battle will end, but I think it is useful to think once again about what mankind has changed with what.

Sources: Wikipedia, imdb, saglik.gov.tr