23 Nisan 2017 Pazar

Is there marble in my marriage?

Today's popular encyclopedia is marriage according to wikipedia; Is defined as 'the two people coming together in a way that will last for a lifetime, in a way that the laws are appropriate for the family to establish, ruhen and bodily.' Again according to the sour dictionary of prank information source; '' Sexy legalization institution '' has been described as. According to the Turkish Language Institution, It means "being married".
Whichever way we go, we can recognize it as the first step in the family establishment, which is considered the building block of the marriage society, as we learned in primary school. The history of your marriage is as old as the history of mankind. Although there are differences in various records, we can say that marriage, the man and the woman who desire to live together coexist this ceremonial sense of association.
Divorce is defined as the end of marriage in general terms. The divorce case lasts until the date of marriage. Just as marriage is an act, in the divorce the quality of this contract is overflowed.
Divorce rates are rapidly increasing with today's rapidly evolving and crust-changing sociological social structure. If we would statistically classify the cause of this increase; Canine caste, crime, adultery, abandonment, mental illness, incompatibility and unknown causes. Parallel to this increase, the fact of divorce brings serious problems in social, legal and economic sense.
Experts state that the main underlying cause is behavior originating from "consumption society". Nowadays, it is observed that the power consumption habits that are satisfied are reflected not only objectively but also in emotions. I think it would not be wrong to say that nowadays we are beginning to give up emotions quickly and give up quickly, emotional and labor-intensive concepts like love, love, family, loyalty are also affected by this consumption.
I wanted to examine the marriage institution in a different way from a different point of view, as social life is being questioned and questioned. Based on the above observations, I received the remnant of this article by going out of the question "can not it be an alternative model of association"?
By the legislator; To develop an alternative model that aims to be a child and does not include concepts such as the parents are not parties, the parents are protected by the law, the parents do not have material obligations, and tradition. It is a model that can create a legal framework in cases where concepts like carrier maternity, like our country, can not be forgotten. Imam marriage can also be considered, considering the religious values ​​of our country. It is an alternative which can be the reason for preference for men and women living with the philosophy of "my life, freedom".
Can it not be considered an idea that needs to be developed by specialist jurists, social experts, religious representatives?

Sources: Wikipedia, tuik, ekşisözlük

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